One thought on “Email Analysis: Truprint

  1. Hey Alex,

    Here are some observations from my perspective:

    1. Could be the Litmus test, but this email suffers quite a bit on some mobile clients. I may be repeating myself, but if you rendering is not great on Gmail App, you are frustrating lots of users. Don’t you agree? The email don’t even scale properly on Gmail App and Windows Phone… I’m sure this could be fixed with more love 🙂

    2. I like the use of web fonts too. That’s something I’ll have to start using more.

    3. I am the only one that still try to get a balanced ratio of text/images in order to stay out of the Spam folder? I know the industry claims that visual email are what people are expecting, but spam filters may not have the same expectations… An email like this one would certainly loose some points because of the low text ratio. What are your thoughts on that? Do you guys have a special expertise on spam filters?

    4. If you can, that would be nice if you could include a link the the source (Litmus Scope) so we can see how it’s coded and how it behaves on the responsive side and what is text or image… 🙂

    5. Being so visual, I find it very attractive for the targeted customers (you can’t sell photo books without great photos!!).

    Congrats TruePrint, it’s a nice email!

    And thanks again Alex for this cool analysis. And Let me know what you think of my comments 🙂


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