
Get started with your email marketing today with our super feature rich platform.

  • Drag & drop

    Flexible blocks of content that make it so easy to create any layout.

  • No coding

    Design responsive emails from scratch without ever having to see a line of code.

  • Mobile friendly

    The email designs you create will look perfect on any device.

  • Image hosting

    Amazon cloud hosting provides lightning quick download speeds for images.

  • Link & image checker

    Automatic tests that alert you to those easy to miss errors before it's too late.

  • Shared templates

    Reduce design time by sharing designs across multiple accounts.

  • Email preview text

    Maximise inbox impact using easy to add hidden custom message text.

  • Auto-generate text version

    One click to ensure the emails you send are composed correctly.

  • Mail filter testing

    Each time you press save mail filter test results are refreshed automatically.

  • Inbox testing

    Send tests to colleagues or clients and get their feedback and approval.

  • Live preview

    See exactly what personalised subscriber emails look like in your browser.

  • Send to a friend

    Allow your subscribers to securely share content with their friends.

Campaign optimisation

Use split testing to help with uncovering the subject lines and content that help to generate better engagement rates and to increases sales.

Variable elements

  • Up to 5 'splits'
  • Email content
  • Conditional content
  • Subject lines
  • Sending domains
  • Delivery date & time
  • Welcome series

    Set off on the right foot by giving people everything they need to get started.

  • Confirmations

    Professionally complete the sale process and don't miss out on up-sell opportunities.

  • Reminders

    Simple and effective reminders for flights, hotels and any other date based bookings.

  • In-depth analysis

    Filterable reports provide detailed analysis into all aspects of your workflows.

  • Actions feed

    Each report contain a live action feed of what's happening within each workflow.

  • Live alerts

    Setup customised email alerts to track the details of newly triggered workflows.

  • User journeys

    Explore the exact path a person takes using an easy to understand flow report.

  • Bulk trigger

    You're not restricted to one List, choose as many as you like!

  • Conversion tracking

    Track and measure the effectiveness of automated email calls to action.

  • Template library

    Choose from a range of stylishly designed mobile responsive layouts.

  • Personalisation

    Merge any piece of information you know about your subscribers into landing pages.

  • Anti-bot protection

    Protect your landing pages from spam-bots and avoid toxic data submissions.

Preview & testing

Live preview allows you to see exactly how personalised emails look in your browser. Send tests to colleagues or clients and speed up design sign-off using built-in feedback and approval features.

Top features

  • Personalised previews
  • Litmus integration
  • Mail Tester integration
  • Inbox testing
  • Commenting & approval
  • Email on Acid integration
  • Preference centers

    Create pages that allow people to update their details and set email preferences.

  • Wordpress plugin

    Publish landing pages into any Wordpress website with just a few clicks.

  • Free SSL

    Merge any piece of information you know about your subscribers into landing pages.

  • Email performance

    Reporting & insights that help to resolve issues and improve performance.

  • Domain reputation

    Continual domains health checks are run to ensure your emails stay secure.

  • Blacklist monitor

    Publish landing pages into any Wordpress website with just a few clicks.

  • Live mail queues

    See how many emails are in your queues and the responses being sent back by ISPs.

  • Secure links

    All links within emails and landing page URLs are served securely using HTTPS.

  • Activity reporting

    Domain level tracking of all related campaigns and automation workflows.

  • Weekly digest

    Our platform will send you a weekly report of any domain, blacklist and IP address issues.

  • Continual monitoring

    Our platform tests domain DNS settings and the most popular blacklists every 30 minutes.