Using what you know to drive £££’s @ Inbox Marketing

Inbox Marketing Conference, Strand Palace Hotel

On Monday the 26th of September I will be talking at Inbox Marketing about using the data you know to automate your email marketing campaigns to drive customer loyalty and revenue. I will be taking email marketing right back to its source; the data, what you can learn from what you already have and how you can turn that information into revenue.

Inbox Marketing have asked me to take one travel related client and look into customer purchase history and what you can learn from the information you already hold such as customer age vs population age, gender bias (in some industries there is still a very strong male>female bias) to determine where your growth market is. I then delve into Customer Satisfaction Survey data, ask the questions you think you know the answer to, what equates to a critical mass of data, how often people buy your product or service and why. I look at how weighting your answers gives you critical information which can subsequently drive opens, clicks and ultimately revenues, how and why customers would refer your business and how to handle those that want to complain. Finally, analysing comments and weighting each of the key words used to find out exactly what makes the difference for your long term customers, a simple word pops up as the single biggest reason.

Image showing service for inbox marketing

Once you have analysed the data, the opportunities are generally obvious and I will show you how you can implement a range of email campaigns that will leverage that data into real ROI. I will be looking at basket and browse abandonment, and how 2 and 3 step campaigns can drive revenues of £9 and £2.50 per email sent respectively. With all the campaign oppotunities available you need to prioritise and work out a hierarchy, generally based on which drives the highest revenue. Here’s a handy check list of suitable opportunities, specific to the travel industry.

Priority programmes

1. Basket Abandonment
2. Browse Abandonment
3. Welcome home surveys
4. Anniversary of Booking
5. Pre-departure Up-sell
6. Welcome (email sign up)
7. Nurture through to second sale
8. Top customers

These are only the start. There are many more opportunities but they should be undertaken to augment your regular email marketing and not as a replacement.

Follow what’s going on at the Inbox Marketing conference on twitter @_inboxmarketing